Kendall Racing Test Track- These videos taken at the mini track. Helmet Cam 1- Helmet cam footage aboard the crf50 mini bike. Feb 2009 Helmet cam 2- Short helmet cam vid on the quad. Feb 2009 Quad Video- Feb 2009 Quad footage of the new whoops section. Whoops Video- Footage right after we built the whoops way too big. Feb 2009 Mini Vid- Footage on the mini bike, Adam wipes out, Jan 2009 Step up- New step up, April 2009 One Lap Helmet Cam- March 2010
2009 Parker 250: Eric's helmet cam footage from his crash from the 2009 Parker 250. Ouch.
2008 Baja 1000: One of the spectators at the baja 1000 posted a clip on youtube and I am in it. It was really lucky to find this clip on youtube. Thanks to Adam for finding it. It was taken near the Borrego pits at race mile 270. Thanks to Manuel for posting it!
Some really old videos. I posted these videos in 2006 when I first started going to the track.
Please right click these videos and choose "save target as":
Video 1 - My first time on any track. This time it was ET Motopark, on their north (easier) track. I could not believe how tiring it was, I even workout my legs about 1x per week in the gym! I could only do 2-3 laps and I was winded. By the end of the day I was almost clearing the front table top, which is about the smallest jump on the track. My legs were sore for 4 days following this trip. I even workout my legs about 1x per week in the gym! The suspension on the bike is stock and the other mods are an air filter, muffler cap and carb jet. I had adjusted the suspension so that there is zero preload on the rear shock and maybe 2 threads of preload on the front.
Video 2 - 3 weeks later. This video is taken at ET Motoparks's south track. This is their larger more difficult track. The time frame between the first vid and this one is 3 weeks. This was my 4th time to the track. As you can see I improved a great deal. On this trip I was able to clear the 55ft tabletop on the backside of the track and the start/finish tabletop. It was a lot of fun and I was hooked. The bike is still in the same shape as the first video. However I did add a little bit of compression and I took almost all of the rebound out of the front shocks. It seemed to help. As you can see I have also upgraded my safety gear. Read more in the gear section.
These 4 photos are from DGP photography, they are HQ 1280 pixels wide.
Wickenburg December 2008 by Lagrand Studios:
My Daughter Mavity:
After I won the 2008 championship in December of 2008 at Vulture Mine:
Baja 2008 Photos, some by Kendall Racing others by Michelle at akagroupshots
The awesome KFX450 race beast. The team at SCORE contigency day before the race, and prepping the night before:
Getting ready to run my section with my chase team, Jeremy Lovett, Me, my dad LaVar, and Adam Barnes:
The finish line:
The Cinders 2008 by Adam Barnes
Firebird 2008 by David Hash and Eric Neidhart:
The 2008 Las Vegas 150 with my dad and Adam.
March 2008, 1st race of the year.
Random Pic, LT A-arms with one LT shock and one stock shock. The LT shock side is resting on the ground, the standard size is hanging 1 foot in the air.
Before the Whiplash Page 2006 race:
Right after the completion of a 3 hour race:
Award presentations:
Racing Photos from (site now suspended) and